emails. You gotta have them. You need them for everything now, right? When you order anything online, you have to turn over your email address. Now you have to have them for all your medical stuff. Oh, and some places offer you great discounts and cool things, in exchange for your email address. And these things are important, interesting and good to have. You want them. And then there are the other ones.
Why are they so important?
So as a business, I send emails. In fact, you might be reading this because I sent you an email that sent you to this blog post. When you come to my website, you have the chance to sign up for my emails. If you see me at the market or a show, I’ll ask if you want to get my emails. I try not to be pushy when I ask, but I wouldn’t want you to miss out on something you might enjoy. I know that you won’t know if you enjoy my emails until you get one or a few, so I like to give you an opportunity to decide.
Lots of you are happy to sign up for my emails. But quite often I hear “no thanks, I get too many emails” and I get it! Boy oh boy do I get it. As I research what the supposed experts recommend for email marketing, I’m very discouraged. I hear that I should send out emails every day – seriously? Who REALLY wants an email from a business every day? And as an online consumer, I’ve noticed how incredibly aggressive some of the big name retailers have gotten with their email marketing. They don’t send an email every day, they send lots of emails every day. And that is beyond annoying.
Did you know there are ‘rules’ for sending emails?
There are rules for sending out mass emails. They’re pretty simple – you have to include all your contact information. You can’t add someone to your email list without their permission. And the most important rule… you have to have an unsubscribe option. I personally like this option because trying things is good but if it’s not what I thought it would be, I want to be done with it. But have you noticed that those big retailers’ unsubscribe buttons seem to be broken? Yea, that’s not the way it’s supposed to be.
With all these ‘rules’ and rejection, do you wonder why I want to send you emails? I can answer that! I want to send you emails because it’s a way of keeping in touch with you. It’s how I let you know when I have new things to show you, where I’ll be next so you can plan to come see me, sometimes I have sales but mostly, I want to add some humor, art and happy to your inbox. I work hard to make my emails not just about buying stuff from me (yes, that’s important) but about making you smile.
Why would you want to get newsletters from me when you get all those others?
I want my emails to be the email you look forward to. I always include a silly joke – because we all need humor! I have to admit that sometimes they’ll make you roll your eyes, but just as often you’ll laugh out loud. It’s a very rare occasion that you will hear from me more than once a week. During the summer when I’m doing the most of my creating, it might only be once a month. The last thing I want to be is annoying, so I’m careful about how often you see me in your inbox.
What else will you see from me? Well, new art of course! I’m proud to be a card artist but I love to see my art on other things too. Things like wall calendars (watch for them each September), stickers, magnets, canvases, and more! And after I’ve spent so much time creating a new collection for you, I can’t wait for you to see it – so you get an email. I do many in-person events that I love for you to come see me at – so you get an email. And no matter what, I make them bright and happy and fun – something to look forward to!
What if you don’t like my newsletters?
That happens and I understand. Not everyone will like what I do and how I write. And that’s ok because I have an unsubscribe button on every email that works! And actually, if you aren’t enjoying my emails and you’re not opening them, please use that button! There is no reason for you to have to clean me out of your inbox. I would hate to think you cringed as you saw my email when you opened your inbox. I don’t get offended, I don’t get sad, I just get it. Some emails are for us and some aren’t.
So what if you don’t like any emails but you still want to keep in touch with me?
So you don’t want emails but you want to know what’s going on? You can like my Facebook page or even just check it when you need to know something. You can also follow me on Instagram if that’s where you hang out. On my social media pages I post stupid jokes on Mondays, where I am and where I’ll be when it’s happening, pictures from my world that show you what inspires me and new + favorite things. It’s where you can find me most often because I don’t want to overflow anyone’s inbox but I have lots to share.
So with all this access to what’s going on, why would you want to get emails from me? Well, my emails subscribers see new things first. They get exclusive sales. And what you see in an email is mostly different from what you see on social media. So if you’re reading this and you haven’t subscribed to get my emails yet and now you’re intrigued, SIGN UP HERE. If you’ve previously unsubscribed for whatever reason, you can SIGN UP HERE if you changed your mind and you want to try again. I would LOVE to send good things to your inbox.
And of course, is the best place to see everything – new things, favorite things, events, what’s new, my blog – it’s all there! And you can always email or text me if you don’t do social media and or you just want to know something. I love to hear from you!