March and spring is just around the corner now!
March = Spring! Doesn’t that simple word make you smile? I love spring – how about you? It’s full of so many hopeful things. Baby birds are hatched, crops are planted, flowers pop out of the ground and the days get longer.
We’re a little reversed here in the desert when it comes to spring. Spring for us is the beginning of the end of our beautiful weather. But there’s still a lot to enjoy for the next few months before the heat settles in. The prickly pear are sprouting new pads and will pop out flowers soon. The succulents are beginning to bloom. Ocotillo are getting green stalks but no leaves yet. And the weeds are more than plentiful.
Have you heard these?
In like a lion, out like a lamb – a saying we seemed to live by in the Midwest. I remember times when March would blast in with crazy weather like wind and snow and we’d cross our fingers that the lamb was right behind that lion. Some of our worst snowstorms came in March. Thankfully the snow never lasted long and there was usually something green peeking out when it melted.
In the spring I have counted 136 kinds of weather inside 24 hours – Mark Twain. I hadn’t heard that one before but I believe it to be true. We don’t have a lot of variation to our weather here in the desert but there are certainly spring days that start at freezing, warm up to spring-like temperatures fairly quickly, flash to summer briefly in the afternoon and cool down quick late in the afternoon.
Spring seems to come with spring cleaning too.
One of the traditions I grew up with, and I’m betting you did too, was spring cleaning. To me spring cleaning was one of those great ideas that sounds so good until 15 minutes in when you realize you’re gonna to be stuck inside for hours clearing winter out of the corners. So I have to admit I wasn’t a good spring cleaner. And I’m still not. Because spring is also the best time to play in the garden!
Check out all these cool things that happen in March….
- March 14 Daylight Savings Time begins – even where they said it wasn’t happening anymore.
- March 15 The Ides of March – a classic phrase from Shakespeare but simply refers to the first full moon of the month and once signified the start of the new year. Click the link to read more.
- March 17 St. Patrick’s Day – obviously all things green and fun. And leprechauns – don’t forget the leprechauns or your cards!
- March 20 Spring Equinox – the first day of Spring! And when daylight hours equal nighttime hours.
- March 27 Start of Passover this evening and ending the evening of April 4th. Passover card available HERE.
- March 28 Full Worm Moon – considered to be the last full moon of winter. It’s called a Worm Moon because it’s also when earthworms and grubs come out of dormancy.
- March 29-31 Borrowing Days – Scottish folklore is that March borrowed days from April so it could extend its power. Goes along with the ‘in like a lion, out like a lamb’ saying. You should click the link and read about it – it’s quite interesting!